Jul 13, 2010

Super Mario

The undisputed king of the gaming world. Not only does he represent Nintendo, he represents generations of gamers. His games continue to define genres in videogames. He proves that a good story isn't as important as innovative gameplay. Mario's been saving the princess since 1981. That's almost 30 years.

Mario raises the bar every time he goes on a new adventure. The crazy part about it is there has yet to be a game that does it better. He defined the 3D platforming genre with Super Mario 64 which one could argue inspired the open world gameplay in the Grand Theft Auto series. The Mario Factory continues to innovate. Super Mario Galaxy showed how much fun a gamer can have playing with gravity. He inspires every game out there. Ever notice that most games that allow the character to jump feel very similar to Mario's jump. There's a reason for that.

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