Jun 8, 2011

E3 2011 Awards: Biggest Letdown

Project Cafe. The Nintendo console that was expected to steal the show at E3 by making gamers hungry in anticipation. What we got was a tablet with buttons named Wii U. Is it a controller or a console? The world may never know.

Wii U is not on my list of things to purchase. Unless this HD tablet is less than $100 dollars you can count me out on buying one. What's the point of having a tablet that's not portable. Sure you can play it all day in your house, but that's what I use my 3DS for. On top of that Nintendo didn't present any original IP's for Wii U. They just had a bunch of 3rd party developers announce games for Wii U. A majority of which will be available on Playstation and Xbox months before they ever hit Wii U. Maybe I'll change my mind as time comes closer to it's release but as of today Wii U is my biggest Letdown from E3.

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