May 24, 2013

Please Delay Saints Row 4

Two Sandbox games being released 3 weeks apart is overkill. Here's an example. I started playing Dishonored late last year. I was enjoying Dishonored immensely until I started playing Hitman Absolution a week later. Playing two stealth action adventures games at the same time ruined it for both games. Hitman felt too much like Dishonored, and Dishonored wasn't fun anymore. I stopped playing both games as a result. I'd hate to have that happen to Saints Row 4, & Grand Theft Auto 5.

Sandbox games need time to breathe. There's no way a sandbox game can be completely explored in 3 weeks. There's just too much to explore. A Late August Release for Saints Row 4 makes no sense. Saints Row has been established itself as a Blockbuster Series. It was that sleeper hit that the month of August when the first Saints Row was released, but now Saints Row is a blockbuster franchise. Blockbusters belong in the Holiday Season. A late October/Early November release makes the most sense for Saints Row 4.

Late October would give gamers a good month with Grand Theft Auto 5. We all must remember, Grand Theft Auto is the biggest series in videogames. The quality, and money behind this game requires at least a month of attention from the gamers. A late October release gives Saints Row 4 enough time for a good Black Friday sale price. I'd definitely buy Saints Row 4 for 29.99 on Black Friday to help me get off of Grand Theft Auto.

That's the thing. Saints Row helps me get off of Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto IV was my heroin, and Saints Row 2 was the methadone that got me off of it. The six month gap I had between GTA & Saints Row was enough time for me to get lost in Liberty City. I was so hooked to Grand Theft Auto IV, I probably still know my way thru Liberty City. Street Names and everything. I used to wake up craving to play Grand Theft Auto IV until Saints Row 2 showed up. I absolutely hope to become this hooked to Grand Theft Auto 5. I just hope Saints Row 4 is released after it to help me get off of that shit.


  1. SR4 is just another rushed addon , just like SR3.

  2. wow mate... if you make saints row 4 a late october release it collides with AC4, the other big Open world for this year, honestly GTA V should be the one who gets delayed if any, its just not as big as it should be. not starting a GTA VS SR war but thats how it stacks up, from what ive seen SR4 has more press and everything then GTA V. and if your a gamer like me you wont have this problem, you will play one game till you really are ready to move on, you wont play sr4 to a certain point then go "hey im gonna play GTA V now", sorry but im just gonna have to disagree

    1. I'm more of an A.D.D. gamer as of late. I'm currently playing the first AC, LA Noire, Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, & Metal Gear Solid 4. I kind of switch between games every few hours/days.

      If GTA & SR are two new games I'm switching between, it might cause problems. I think I can only handle one open world game at a time, but we'll see.

      I disagree with delaying GTA. It's already been delayed, and it doesn't make sense to release it in October. It's arguably the biggest franchise in videogames. Whenever GTA V is released, it's going to dominate.

      Releasing GTA V in early September gives it time to dominate before the holiday rush in late October. It also gives it enough time to be a good sale price on Black Friday. Win, Win if you ask me.

  3. who cares when they are released if you wonna play sr4 and gta5 then do so after you've complete one of em instead of being a dick and requesting a delayed release for one of the games. it makes more sense than moaning like a bitch about it again

    1. It's crazy to request a delay. I agree, but think about it. If SR4 is released in August that's less than 2 years since SR3. Quality videogames deserve 2 years before a sequel is to be released if you ask me. Especially when the mother of all open world games is being released in the meantime.

  4. If your a gamer like me you wont have this problem, you will play one game till you really are ready to move on, you wont play sr4 to a certain point then go "hey im gonna play GTA V now", sorry but im just gonna have to disagree. anyway thanks for sharing it.
