America hurt Rockstar's feelings this past week by proving that the overhead camera view used in previous flops such as the original Grand Theft Auto, Grand Theft Auto 2, and the London 1969 version of the same game is still not cool. Selling only 88,704 in the month of March, it's looking like Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars will join the list of flops made by Rockstar.

... Maybe it wasn't the cameras fault. It could have been that there isn't any voice acting during the story. I understand that it's a portable game, but Grand Theft Auto without voice acting is so Grand Theft Auto 2. The only people who talk are the residents of Liberty City and they say the darndest things.

... It could have been the shameless promotion. Not only did I see a picture of the game every 5 seconds as I fast forwarded through it's commercials, but the game is apart the plot of the "Margaritaville" episode of South Park. (Do You Like Fishsticks?)
... One things for sure. It's definitely
not because of the lack of people who own a Nintendo DS.
I guess none of that really matters as GTA: Chinatown Wars sold only 88,704 units in the month of March 2009. I bet GTA IV sold more copies in it's first hour in stores.
The sad part is unlike the previous flops mentioned earlier, Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is actually a really good game. Guess you can't always turn shit into sugar..

Grand Theft Auto 5 in London anybody?
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