I love how for well over 2 years the promotional pictures that were revealed for Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots all came from the 1st Act of the game. I think I saw the whole first act, Liquid Sun, in promotional pictures. This game is the shit.
This game came out right before the Summer of 2008 began. That is a really odd time for anything to come out.

- If you've never played a Metal Gear Solid game before, or in my case didn't really pay attention. Be prepared for a lot of information. 20 years of a story is being wrapped up in extraordinary fashion.
- If this game became a movie, whoever made it should be
slapped in the face. The cinematics in this videogame are

beyond incredible
- Solid Snake is the man, but Liquid Ocelot is cool as hell

"I Have You"
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