It's been an interesting week for videogames. Duke Nukem Forever is delayed again (surprise surprise.) It will now be in stores June 14th instead of it's projected May 3rd date. Duke Nukem Forever better be the most polished game I've ever seen. I'm still not convinced to even rent the game so you better prove yourself in reviews Duke Nukem.

In other news Crysis 2, the first person shooter set in a futuristic New York City, was released this past Tuesday. I tried to resist my urge to rent it, but the early adopter got the best of me. I'm maybe 3 hours into the game and I am having a lot of fun. The game has arguably the best graphics gaming consoles have ever seen, and it runs smoothly. My favorite thing about it is the different tactical approaches the game allows you to have. You can have a straight up gunfight, sneak up and stealth kill your enemies, or you can use your stealth to avoid gunfights completely. It's really cool. The more I write about Crysis 2 the more I want to play.

Capcom announced Resident Evil: Revival Selection HD. Revival Selection brings Resident Evil 4, and Resident Evil: Code Veronica to the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. The ports come equipped with HD graphics. So remember when the game takes long as fuck to become interesting, at least it's in HD. I will check it out for Code Veronica. That game surprised me at how good it was. It's long too. Not your average 3 hour adventure like the Resident Evil's before it. My fingers are still crossed for a Resident Evil 2 REmake. That would be epic.
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