2007 was the year of new franchises.

November started off with the release of Gears of War. I was impressed with the graphics and chainsaw gun. The thing that sticks out the most is that commercial where Fenix jumps into that room only to be met by that huge monster. Made me want to play the game even more when I saw that. The game itself is awesome. I can't really remember the story, but I do remember the gunfights.
A week later we were introduced to Assassin's Creed & Super Mario Galaxy.
Assassin's Creed was the first videogame I played on a HD television. I was blown away. I remember pausing the game and staring at the detail in the pause menu. I spent hours in that game enjoying viewpoints and eagle drops. Critics said the game was repetitive, but I felt that my skills were getting better by repeating each action. By the end of the game I was getting stylish with my assassinations.

A week later we were introduced to Uncharted: Drake's Fortune & Mass Effect
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. It's a fun game, but critics were quick to point out the elements that were borrowed from other games. Some called it a hybrid between Tomb Raider and Gears of War which is pretty accurate. Borrowed elements aside the game was badass. I enjoyed the action as well as the story. I love how the game plays out like a Hollywood blockbuster.
I slept on Mass Effect. I was playing too many games at that time to give it the time of day. I remember going to Eden Prime and riding a couple elevators, but it never took off for me. With that said I do realize the importance of it now. Many say Mass Effect 2 has a deeper meaning if you've played the first one, and others argue the first Mass Effect is better than the second.
2007 also saw the return of a few franchises.
The release of Halo 3 in September had people wondering how Sony was going to compete this generation. The game sold tons of units and is pretty good. I would play it every now and again, but I've always preferred to watch someone good play. Halo was the game we all played in my friends dorm. That shifted to Modern Warfare almost overnight. We went from plasma guns and needlers to assault rifles and pistols. To this day my friends prefer Call of Duty over Halo.
Last but certainly not least is Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. That game is awesome. Ratchet & Clank games start off slow then next thing you know the game picks up. Tools of Destruction was the first game I beat twice this generation. Helped me understand the hilarious story and upgrade my weapons even further. The graphics were great, and the gameplay is addictive. Long live Ratchet and Clank.
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