In Racing news Gran Tourismo 5 still doesn't have a release date in North America, but Sony has announced MotorStorm Apocalypse. Due next year, MotorStorm Apocalypse says goodbye to the middle of nowhere and hello to the city. I'm a little skeptical of this move. The game takes place in the Bay Area of California. Does that mean I should expect lots of hills? I loved how the graphics made the Pacific Rift look like a paradise. It was almost a way to escape the city life I know too well. They say it's not post apocalyptic, but Fallout: New Vegas is. Isn't that game set in Northern California as well? I'll still give Motorstorm: Apocalypse a try.

Looks like music games are trying to be more realistic this year. Word on the street is that DJ Hero 2 (due this fall) is all about "two turntables and a mic." While the formula may be more accurate when being a DJ, there is no way I am paying for more plastic accessories to play this game. It's bad enough I have one turntable taking up space on my computer desk. The multiplayer sounds like it could be hot as two rappers and two DJ's battle for the title. Everything else I've heard about this game sounds formulaic. They're adding a story mode which everybody saw coming. The music in the game will include songs by Lady Gaga and Kanye West. Fame Kills.

Rock Band 3 is out for blood against the new Guitar Hero this fall. Not only has Harmonix added new instruments such as a keyboard and full guitar they are also introducing a new Pro Mode. The Keyboard is a 25 key MIDI Keyboard which has the standard green, red, yellow, blue, and orange buttons that can be used exclusively throughout the game. Pro Mode allows you to use all 25 keys giving the game a more authentic approach as it requires more skill. The Rock Band guitar is also supposed to get a face lift with a new six string design with touch sensitive pads on the neck. I wonder if it will be compatible with Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. The set list includes a bunch of songs I've never heard of.

In ass kicking news Mortal Kombat is coming back. Warner Brothers Interactive Entertainment released the trailer for the upcoming Mortal Kombat 9 due next year. The trailer shows a return to the blood and gore that made Mortal Kombat so famous in the 90's. Developers are promising the series return to it's mature roots after 2008's Teen rated Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. They are also promising the "most gruesome fatalities ever." I just hope they aren't too complex to perform.
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