Reviving old franchises seemed to be the theme for the Japanese giants at this years E3. Nintendo announced the return of Kirby and Donkey Kong at their press conference earlier today. Link's making a return as well in The Legend of Zelda
Skyward Sword. The demonstration today by the godfather Shigeru Miyamoto experienced technical difficulties, but it looks interesting. I'm a little concerned that this controlling the sword with the Wiimote and the shield with my nunchuck might be a lot on my wrists, but it's all good. Zelda's coming back, and that's what matters. The game is coming next year so I'm sure they'll have it down when they present again at next years E3
in Boston.

Kirby's back with a new adventure in Kirby's Epic Yarn. The game is a 2D side scrolling adventure with a really cool art style. Everything is made of yarn which looked really cool. Better than the graphics for the remake of Goldeneye that was also presented today. The graphics for this Wii exclusive looks dated which makes me wonder why they would even bother to remake the classic. On top of that James Bond's character is played by Daniel Craig. Pierce Brosnan must be salted right now. There better be a cheat or something to play as him because it's not GoldenEye without him... or Oddjob. It just wouldn't be a remake if Pierce Brosnan doesn't shoot the camera in the beginning. Diddy and Donkey Kong are making a return in Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. As I was watching the trailer I couldn't help but notice that the gameplay remained mostly the same. You still collect bananas, try to get the K-O-N-G letters, and ride carts. I still was entertained, and would love to play it. Maybe Donkey Kong Country's return is like Punch-Out!! Disappear for 20 years then come back like nothing happened. Gotta stay fresh.

Nintendo gets a thumbs down for it's presentation of the 3DS. After watching the show I have more questions about it than I do answers. What is the color of the system? Does the outside have a glossy case while the inside is matte? What exactly is the 3D effect? If I don't need glasses than why weren't you able to demonstrate it for the people that aren't at E3? The games that are being developed are promising. A brand new Resident Evil and a new Metal Gear Solid sound good to me, but those games probably wont be around until at least 2012. Prove me wrong developers.
Overall Nintendo did a good job this year. They introduced new hardware which is something Sony and Microsoft seem to know nothing about. I hope Nintendo takes a hint from Sony and does a tour of the 3DS so people around the country can have an opportunity to see the 3DS in action. They kept the show at around an hour and a half and left me looking forward to a bunch of games to play.
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