It's official. The PS3 Slim is coming in September for $299.99. This news might not come as much of a surprise to many, but what does this mean for the PS3 in the long run? Can it make a huge comeback from last place, or is this generation going down as a rough patch in Sony's history? Time will answer all of these questions, but how much time is left for the PS3? It might be less than we think...

The average life of a Playstation is about 5 1/2 years. That would mean that "leaked" pictures of the Playstation 4 would probably start to show up by next years holiday season. People from Sony have been saying that the PS3 is on a 10 year life plan, which can be both good and bad. On one hand if the next 6 years show a steady growth in sales, the first 4 could be overlooked as growing pains. On the other hand if the competition moves forward, the PS3 would probably be considered last generation given that it had been around so long. Unless the PS3 is ahead of it's time.

In Sony's history, the slim version of a Playstation usually shows up when it's lifecycle is more than halfway over. Maybe the PS3 is trying to go out with a bang. The fall lineup of PS3 exclusives look strong, and a price cut for the PS3 in September could only help sales of these games. The more people you get hooked to what your doing now, the bigger your next move will be. Maybe that's what Sony has in store for us...
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