The drought is over ladies and gentlemen. I've spent the past week catching up with my Wii and PS3. I started it off with Punch-Out!! Great game. 1987 would be proud. It's funny what updated graphics can do to a game. The game felt fresh to me even though it's based off a simple premise. It's remarkable. Kept me entertained all weekend.

I then decided to play the PS3. The only game I own for my PS3 is LittleBigPlanet. It's the only game you should own on the PS3. Unlike games where the only update you get is downloadable content that usually costs money, this game evolves everyday for free. There's over a million user created levels. I had problems with my network connection so I wasn't able to sign into the Playstation Network. I spent hours attempting to ace levels. For those that don't know that means going through a level without dieing. No Lives Lost. Judging by the pic on the left, I don't think I did all that bad. Next stop was Batman: Arkham Asylum.
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