This economy sucks. I've been forced to budget my money to support my expensive habits. I could always buy used games to cut spending. Guess I'm not surprised that sales of used games has increased 32% from last year. I used to tell myself I would never buy a used game, but these days they are sounding like a great idea.

The games I wouldn't buy are the display copies at Gamestop. They are the worst. A display copy is the case of the last copy of a new game that they have in stock. You can find it on the rack of mostly wack games that every Gamestop has. This means theirs a huge price tag on one of the corners of the case to your "new" game. They also put a big piece of tape down the middle of the case. I've never been able to get it off cleanly. If I were a collector I'd be pissed.
Display copies are used games. The only difference is that a customer didn't get to enjoy it first. Instead somebody at Gamestop got to rape it. Why does Gamestop charge full price for the display copies of games? I think taking a game out of the plastic is raping it enough to make it used. Try returning a game to gamestop after you've taken it out of the plastic. See how hard they laugh at you for bringing your receipt expecting to get a full refund.
Here's to hoping for a future where the display copy gets priced as a used game...
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