Outdated Graphics are hideous. Wait let me rephrase that. Outdated 3D Graphics are hideous. I try to tolerate a game like Metal Gear Solid on the PSOne. I end up turning it off before the long ass opening credits are done. Looking at PSOne graphics today make me wonder how I ever thought they looked good. I must have been drunk. I do realize that there are a ton of classic games on both the PSOne and the Nintendo 64. I don't think that feeling I had when I was drunk would be there today if I played any of the classics. You can definitely see the growing pains that today's 3D graphics had to go through.

2D graphics from 20 years ago are fine in my book. I could still play classics like Contra and Punch Out!!! today without thinking twice about the graphics. Sure the graphics don't compare to today's, but they dont feel like they were trying too hard to be impressive in. I dont think people bought games back then because of the top notch production value in the graphics... or maybe they did.

When it comes to portable graphics, there's no way I could play a Gameboy today. 20 years is a long time for something to evolve. Especially when that something has dominated the market the whole time. Think about what the iPod's going to be like in 11 years? It's already converted itself into a phone... Nintendo better watch out.
Am I the only person who thinks backward compatibility is overrated? I'm always looking for the next best thing, and having to go back to outdated graphics and clunkier physics has never appealed to me. I have to downgrade enough when I play the Wii. If old games could be upscaled like DVD's then maybe we'd be talking.
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