If a film critic falls asleep during the middle of a movie, do you think the critic would write a good review about the movie? Lets say the next movie the critic watches moves him to tears. Do you think the review for that movie would be better than the first movie? Does it really matter what a critic thinks about a movie?
I could care less about the opinion of a person who's getting paid to play video game. It's mostly because I'm not getting paid to play video games
yet, but that's beyond the point. I never understood how a persons opinion determined what I thought about something I haven't tried. I guess I'm an individual.

There is one place I go to check reviews. Gamespot.com... I like their style. I only look at the Score and "The Good and The Bad" section of the review. If I go any further it's always satisfying to know that they don't spoil anything about the game. They usually blab about the fun things that can be done in the game, and use good screen shots in the process. That's all I really need. If by the end of that I'm still not sure, I rent the game before I buy it. You gotta test drive the car before you buy it.
If the energy I feel from something isn't positive, it's impossible for me to get excited about it. I've never been excited to go to a funeral that's for sure. When it comes to video games I am no different. If the game sucks, there is no way it gets played in my lab. I'm not saying I've never played a bad game, but I've finished a lot more great games than terrible ones. It's hard enough getting through an average game in my lab. The last average game I played was 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand. I played it for about a half and hour, took 2 shots, got bored, and waited for inFamous to come out.

The only games that get played in my lab are the ones that I feel are worth playing. I have a hard time focusing on anything but fun, so it definitely has to grab my attention one way or another. If it doesn't do that then goodbye. I guess the feeling I have for video games is more lust than love. Guess that explains my addiction...

Life is too short to be playing a bad game...