Finally after many Remixes, Alphas, EX's, and Vs. Street Fighter returns for the next generation with Street Fighter IV.

I was first introduced to the Street Fighter series back in 1992 with Street Fighter II Champion Edition on the Sega Genesis (It's only $1.80 on Amazon.) Every weekend my friends would play this game for hours. I was four years old playing as Ken against my friend T would pick Ryu. I remember I used to suck. It took me a good hour to learn how to successfully do a Hadouken (Hours felt like days back then.)

Fast forward to 2009... T as Ryu and I'm playing as Ken. The cheap move of a jump heavy kick followed by a crouch heavy kick that I learned back in 1992 came in handy. It's funny playing it for the first time with T brought memories of Street Fighter 2. It was like we were 4 again aimlessly fighting lol.

Street Fighter IV is really cool. The gameplay is very fluid, and the graphics are beautiful. Everything from the characters in the background to the facial expressions of the fighters are fun to look at. I'm currently hooked to this game. The game keeps it's arcade feel which is cool when playing online. Your match gets interrupted by an opponent just as if someone next to you put in 2 quarters to play. I had to sign off of the network though in order to finish Arcade mode. I couldn't make it past the first level without being challenged.

If your not familar with Street Fighter, this is a good game to get introduced to the series. Button Mashers have always been welcomed to the series. If you want to get good at this game though, your probably going to go through a period of losing a lot. It's really cool how a game so simple can be so complex

If you can I strongly recommend using the gamepad or the joystick designed for this game. Yea it's pretty much a Sega Genesis control, but it makes such a difference. Complex combos are a lot easier to do, and the button layout feels natural.

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