Maybe I just don't pay attention. I honestly don't remember the story to Killzone 2. Something about Helghast soldiers with red eyes (are they human??) being the enemy. Let's face it the story blows... All you need to know is that it's a war and the motherfuckers with red eyes are the enemy.. Got it? Good.
With that said, this game is still the shit. What it lacks in an engaging story it makes up for in gameplay. The gunfights are intense and there's a good mix of action and traveling to the next battle.

I wasn't a fan of the M82 gun that the main character Sev and his sqaud (I don't remember their names... Man the story really sucked) are holding in the picture to the left. It seemed as if you had to be close to really do damage, either that or I just suck lol.

I liked the Helghast Sta-52 Assualt Rifle better.. I actually liked all of the Helghast weapons better. I felt like I had more control with them, and I was better at hitting enemies from a distance which is what I'm better at doing.

The biggest thing Killzone 2 has going for it easily has to be it's graphics. I'll admit I'm a snob about graphics. I try really hard not to be impressed because everybody knows the graphics of tomorrow will be better. With that said I was blown away by the graphics to Killzone 2. The attention to detail is crazy. Explosions of any magnitiude are fun to watch. There wasn't a single moment in the game where I wasn't impressed.. Except for the cut scenes lol.
The A.I. is impressive too. I thought it was cool how the Helghast were very strategic during gunfights. I also liked how they would the 2 soldiers who were in immediate danger from a grenade ran instead of the 6 soldiers who saw me throw it. It really helped me improve my craft.

... Check this game out for the online play, or ignore the story and play the campaign through.. Too bad there's no Co-op mode. This game borrowed damn near every aspect of other First Person Shooters except for Co-Op mode.. What's up with that??
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