Nintendo you talk too much. First you have a translator that speaks over Shigeru Miyamoto then have executive after executive doing more talking then showing. Know why Sony has the best show this year? They made their show about games. Jack Tretton didn't come on stage and talk all day. He said a few words and showed us the next new game.

I can't deal with the translator Bill Trinen. He speaks as Miyamoto speaks. I'd rather have Miyamoto speaking Japanese the whole time than listen to a translator speak over him. Nintendo take a note from Sony and have your translators speak after you have spoken. It's disrespectful to have someone speaking over a legend as he's explaining his work.

Don't know why, but I prefer to see Mario in Space. Super Mario Galaxy should be the name for Mario's future 3D adventures. He's in outer space and space is endless so it works. It would also help Mario get a real story if they revolved it around how he's lost in space trying to find his way home. Instead of finding the Princess he's trying to find his way home. That would be cool as hell.
Luigi's Mansion 2, I'll pass. I wasn't a big fan of the first one. I respect it, but it wasn't for me. If any Gamecube exclusive deserves a sequel it's Eternal Darkness. The game is a gem for a flop. I would buy an HD remake of that game first day.

Wii U. How many batteries does that thing need? The controller looks like a tablet. Apple better watch out.That the controller looks huge. Bigger than the original Xbox control. The Golf game impressed me how the controller was used as the T on the ball. Wait. That's Project Cafe wtf?
Overall I give this show a thumbs down. They didn't introduce one new IP or give us any cool trailers. Step your 3rd party game up Nintendo and work with the developers. It's not all about you Nintendo, cause when it is you are boring and uninspired. You abandoned the hardcore gamers back in 2006, and we've forgotten about you. Remind us why we love you Nintendo. We're waiting.
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