NGP. Never Gonna Play, Not Gonna Purchase, No Go People, Next Generation Poop. Next Generation Portable is a horrible name for a device that should just be called the PSP 2. Maybe Sony is trying to distance itself from the Playstation Portable. According to Wikipedia it sold over 61 million units which is impressive, but compared to Nintendo's 144 million DS' sold PSP stands in a distant second. Sales of PSP games have not been all that impressive either. Pokemon Black & White sold more units than all but 3 PSP titles in 48 hours. Sony's got some catching up to do. How does Sony plan on catching up to Nintendo? By releasing it's successor to the PSP at least six months after the Nintendo's successor to the DS, 3DS, hits stores.

NGP seems doomed from the start. The 3DS has already established itself with a release date, price, and launch titles. Who knows how many millions of units the 3DS will have sold by the time the NGP is released. The price of the NGP is anyone's guess, and I'm not sure people are willing to spend another $300+ dollars on a portable system after buying a 3DS. I'm going to wait for either a price drop or a redesigned NGP. I was never a fan of the original PSP design and to see it come back for the NGP was a little disappointing.
The software presented seemed cool. Seems there will be an Uncharted, Killzone, Motorstorm, and other Sony console favorites on the NGP. The problem with that is that Sony is banking on it's established mascots to sell the NGP. NGP needs an original IP and fast. Every Nintendo portable system I've ever owned was for a Pokemon game. Sony needs a game like that on it's portable device.

The hardware is impresive. It apparently is as powerful as the PS3 and is smaller than a PSP-3000 which says big things do come in small packages. Just because it's as powerful as the PS3 doesn't mean I want to see remakes of PS3 games on the NGP. Either give us original adventures or don't give us anything at all. I'm a little concerned that some franchises are going to be over saturated thanks to NGP. If Uncharted on the NGP is the best selling game I predict a sequel within a year to complement the newly announced Uncharted game after Drake's Deception. Slow and Steady wins the race. My only requests are the price stays under $300 dollars and that NGP can play PS2 games similar to PS One Classics on the PSP.
NGP is just the codename, bro. They'll change it by the time E3 rolls around.
ReplyDeletehow many millions of units do you think the 3DS will have sold by then?
ReplyDelete"The problem with that is that Sony is banking on it's established mascots to sell the NGP."
ReplyDeleteMario, Zelda....Mario, Zelda, Mario, Zelda.....
Anyway, wait until you try it, not only will there be Sony games, they will couple it with the Android service.
Don't worry, Nintendo and Sony are doing fine, just play the games bra.
not much of a pro and con article, more of a baggin on the PSP2 article. and i kinda think you gotta chill, of course the 3ds is going to sell a few million units by e3. thats the point of a head start. anyway i think that both are pretty cool handhelds, im probably going to go with the psp2 just cus im honestly a little worried about long term exposure to 3d. maybe im just bein a puss =P. As to a pokemon caliber game for psp2, i dont know if you have heard but call of duty is supposed to be coming to it. Its a different kind of crowd, but itll give the handheld enough success to warrant a lot more games than the original psp. That way everybody wins =)
ReplyDeletewho said NGP was a code name!?
that's the official name son
@xino no its not its official name actually
ReplyDelete@ light
ReplyDeletebro, try mario, zelda, kid icarus, starfox, surely pokemon, pilotwings, nintendogs, the list goes on
I think we can agree that no one can match the quality OR the quantity of ninty's first party offerings.
Theres only been one true new mario platformer on DS and look how successful that was. Nintendo doesnt need to milk its own franchises either, third parties always respect the Big Ns handhelds
@gamebryd i actually disagree, i personally believe sony has better first party offerings between uncharted, the ico games, infamous, killzone, littlebigplanet, god of war, ratchet and clank
ReplyDeletepersonally i dont think starfox, pilot wings, nintendogs count as great first party games either, not to totally put you down.
I mean i love metroid but nintendo thoroughly F'd that up with other M. Plus sony has super awesome 3rd party exclusive support with demon's souls, persona, valkeria chronicles, heavy rain, metal gear. and it has every other great 3rd party between cod, mass effect, braid, batman, elder scrolls and dead space. I think sony wins as far as quality and quantity is concerned =P
@Light don't forget about Pokemon & Donkey Kong
ReplyDelete@Lucas I said PSP 2 was a great piece of hardware. That has to count for something right?
ReplyDeleteCosign @Gamebyrd Nintendo Gamecube was the best system last generation thanks to it's first party titles
ReplyDeleteThe Nintendo consoles all ways seemed to be aimed at the 6-10 years age group, in my opinion. The NGP is a codename, i suppose the name, price etc will be revealed in E3 2011. Anyway, people are worried about the price of games, well on the original PSP, there was less features, shorter games, no online etc etc. But now we have a brilliant screen, better gameplay and really good online (IF 3G). So the only 3 games i would buy would be FIFA 12, Call of Duty PSP, and Uncharted PSP, all which will have online, and all in which i am addicted to and will keep me occupied for months. The guy writing this article obviously does not like the PSP2, but i have begun saving since YESTERDAY, the day it was revealed, and this sexy looking device which looks like a crossed between PSP and iPhone, is already on my Santa List!!
ReplyDelete@Niall I don't have much of an opinion of the PSP2 to be honest. I'm just examining Sony's strategy to compete with Nintendo, and it seems a bit off. I'll eventually own an NGP even if it's years after its release.
ReplyDeleteYes i do agree with you, SOny's strategy is a bit off. They are going to price it too high for sure, and the analog sticks will brake if you put it in your pocket, they will be pulled as they pop out of this new design, and are no longer nubs etc etc. The 3DS is a better designed, thought through console, with 3D, but the release games aren't going to be great, nor will the hardware vs the PSP2 (NGP)
ReplyDeletehopefully it's under $300