Dec 23, 2010

Jim Sterling on Blow

Oh no! A game developer is mad. Run for the hills!!! The story goes gaming website CVG posted an article based on an interview Edge Magazine did with Braid creators Jonathan Blow and Chris Hecker. Jonathan Blow is mad at the article because:

"They fill out their article by pasting in somewhat-out-of-context quotes to support this statement (and nothing else). To believe their account, it was a highly anti-Microsoft and pro-Sony interview"
 - Jonathan Blow

You gotta do what you gotta do. Face it Blow your interview with Edge Magazine is mad long. Most people checking CVG don't give a damn about Edge Magazine. Print is dieing for a reason. All we have as gaming journalists is hits. It's how we stay relevant, and get noticed by people in the biz like yourself. You're mad that CVG sensationalized a small portion of your interview? At least CVG's article is readable.

You should attack the videogame websites with no substance that thrive off of sensational titles. I'd be more insulted if someone had sensationalized one of my interviews with more grammatical errors and spelling mistakes than a middle school dropout. The way you found out about CVG's article shows the invisible wall developers have with their consumers. I didn't know who you were until Jim Sterling warned Twitter of the shitstorm that he caused. Maybe you should be more involved with the people on the Internet. It'll be useful in the future.

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