Poke Mania was a time in the late 1990's when children of all ages became obsessed with Pokemon. You knew someone who watched the show, battled with trading cards, or traded their Geodude for a Kadabra on their GameBoy's if you were a kid. It was everywhere.

I fell in love with the trading cards first. My card collection began after we stole a few cards from some kids we were trading with. This evolved into going to stealing packs Pokemon cards pretty fast. We were on the bus heading to the mall in about a week.

We would start at Sam Goody where they left packs of Pokemon cards on the front counter. I'd go to the music section and start acting crazy. My friend would grab some Pokemon cards and bounce. That's how I ended up listening to the Slim Shady LP now that I think about it, but that's another story. Sorry Eminem. I had a paper route at the time, so the option of buying packs of cards was there. Pokemon cards always looked better when I got them for free. There's a certain shine to a stolen 1st Edition Holographic Charizrd that a purchased one doesn't have. We got to the point where we got tired of stealing individual packs. It was time to graduate to booster boxes.

A booster box contains 36 packs of Pokemon cards which equals some really huge pockets for the dummies who steal them. If you're ready to graduate you better have a plan. My friend and I were walking around Waldenbooks when we realized they keep Booster Boxes in the front display. Why not sneak behind the registers and grab one? We grabbed a box and headed for the escalators. The rush started kicking in. We knew we had some nice cards we could either sell or trade with people. We've got all of these cards. Why not get some more? We headed back to Waldenbooks to grab another Booster Box. We were sloppy this time around. We were spotted running to the escalators with a box of Pokemon cards in out hands. I was far more concerned with finding out which holographic cards were in each pack. We walked around the mall opening packs of Pokemon Cards. Twenty minutes later we're walking around the mall with pockets full of 72 packs of open Pokemon cards. We headed for the bus stop outside, As the bus pulled up we were stopped by 2 security guards who asked us to empty our pockets. Busted.

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