You know, Sony and Nintendo have a lot in common. They both know the joy of being on top, and the misery of being on the bottom of the console war.

Before the PSone showed up, Nintendo was dominant. Games were far from being seen as the art form they are going to become by the mainstream, so the majority of people who played games were hardcore gamers. As a result the games released back then were geared more towards hardcore gamers. Games such as Super Mario World and Street Fighter 2 would be played for hours upon hours by the diehards, but there were also people who casually played these games. The ones who respected the art form of gaming, but didn't abuse there thumbs to prove it.

Fast forward to the arrival of the PSone. Sony shows up and lets the world know that "U R not
E." Sony's reign begins on top of the war and the fast times begin. The mainstream still wasn't ready to accept the art form known as gaming, so games were still geared more toward hardcore gamers. I'm not saying casual games weren't being released because they always have and always will exist. What I'm saying is that hardcore gamers were a greater influence to both Nintendo and Sony's strategy for becoming the voice of a generation...
To Be Continued
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