Make sure to check out Catherine on July 26th, and No More Heroes: Paradise on August 16th. Catherine has me interested. Mostly because it looks like some time of hentai from the promo pictures I've seen. The game should come with a guarantee that boners will be had during gameplay. I already know the deal with No More Heroes.

No More Heroes is the best series born on the Wii. It's about time Travis Touchdown graces the PS3 & Xbox 360. I'm interested to see how the game plays on a regular controller. I'm pretty much done with the whole motion control craze from the Wii. I've moved onto 3D with the 3DS.

Nintendo has me right where they want me. I may not be playing my Wii, but I damn sure am playing my 3DS. 258 hours later I'm getting pretty decent at Street Fighter 3D. I'm hooked. It's on my short list for Game of the Year.
My favorite game of the last 3 months would have to be LA Noire. It's sad to hear about the tension between Rockstar & Team Bondi. It's looking like we won't see the next LA Noire 2 developed from Team Bondi. That's too bad. LA Noire took seven years to produce, but it's one of the most innovative titles I've ever played. I'm sitting there doing math problems trying to figure out clues to solve a crime. I've never done that before.
Shadows of the Damned is a fun game. I'd choose that game over Fear 3 which was released on the same day. Shadows of the Damned reminds me of games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill. Fear 3 reminds me of Call of Duty. The only difference is Call of Duty is a better first person shooter. I didn't find Fear 3 to be scary at all. What's so scary about strategically shooting enemies with my friend Enzo? I couldn't tell you.

Portal Kombat is also a fun time. Let's not forget about these gems. Portal 2 is something special. I like how the Co-Op story is different from the Single Player story. I didn't finish either, but I spent a good amount of time on both. The Single Player story had me laughing the whole time, while the Co-Op story had me and whoever I was playing with in tears. I'm not sure you can save the Co-Op story so until I figure it out it loses a point for that. Mortal Kombat is fun too. The story mode is something else, but I spent most of my time in the Challenge Tower. I didn't make it to the top, but I like how it teaches you different ways to approach fighting in Mortal Kombat. If Street Fighter could mimic that and teach players along the way I'd probably be playing as someone other than Ken after 258 hours. #JustSaying