Battlefield: Bad Company 2 has a personality. It doesn't follow the trend of recreating wars of the past, present, or future in space. Instead they create a fictional story based on four privates. The story isn't important, but it's nice to not have developers try to teach you a history lesson.
The characters in your squad are fun. I especially liked Sergeant Samuel Redford. His no nonsense attitude is hilarious especially when the squad members joke around about some of the decisions he makes. This game made me feel like I actually was apart of the squad. Instead of feeling like the black sheep, I felt like I was carrying my weight with the team. Every other game I play I always feel like I'm in the way of other members shots, or the person I was aiming at gets killed by another squad member before I can shoot. It usually results in me moving ahead of my squad getting killed a lot in the process. Battlefield had me rolling with my squad the whole time.

I had the opportunity to see this game in 3D at NVIDIA's show at PAX East. I was impressed. If you are a PC Gamer who has the money to buy one of the GeForce graphics cards from NVIDIA, Go for it. I might be a console gamer, but I know the future of gaming is here for the PC. PC Gamers Unite.